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The Different Advantages Of Intrusion Detection System Based On AWS Cloud Watch Monitoring


There are a number of advantages like performance, efficiency, detection rate to also false alarm rate. The overall goal of an intrusion detection system is to detect unsuitable , not correct and also unusual activity on a network or on the hosts that belongs to a local network by monitoring a network activity. To easily know if an attack has happen or if one has been attempted mostly requires sitting through large amounts of data that is gathered from the network, host and also file systems. It would get to search for certain clues of suspicious activities. There are certain general approaches to this type of problem which is signature detection where one can get to search for patterns of very well-known attacks and anomaly detection which can also search for deviations from the usual behaviour.


A number would work on signature and anomaly detection has mostly relied on detecting certain intrusions at the certain level of host processor. One of the problem with that type of approach is that even if intrusion activity gets to be detected, one is mostly unable to stop the attack from stopping the system and also over use the Cpu of the SIEM system.


As asn alternative to having to rely on the CPU host to detect any intrusions there would grow interest in using the network interface card as part of this process also. The main role of the network interface card is to get to move date between devices on the network, natural extension to this role can get to police the packets that is forwarded in each direction. They get to examine packet headers and would mostly not forward very suspicious packets. These types of good improvements which were observed for NIC kind of intrusion detection system when tested against host based intrusion detection system would get to be attributed to the fact the operating system of the host would not get to be interrupted with the detection process.


These intrusion detection systems would get to help companies that owns certain databases and also services using the internet, companies need to make sure that they get to use a good AWS system also. The AWS system would get to pair with the big data analytics system to make sure that they can have a secured system from different attacks online through the internet.

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